BBB of Southwest Missouri

  • Business Services
  • Community Organization/Not for Profit
405 N Jefferson Ave
Springfield, MO 65806
(417) 862-4222
BBB®'s phone hours are Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

About Us

Better Business Bureau's® mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB has been helping brands build solid reputations since 1912 by focusing on consumer trust and resolving read more
  • About

    Better Business Bureau's® mission is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. BBB has been helping brands build solid reputations since 1912 by focusing on consumer trust and resolving disputes. The BBB Springfield office opened in 1933.

    BBB accomplishes this mission by:
    - creating a community of trustworthy businesses
    - setting standards for marketplace trust
    - encouraging and supporting best practices
    - celebrating marketplace role models
    - denouncing substandard marketplace behavior

    Check out businesses today by going to .

  • Media