KPM CPAs & Advisors

  • Accountant/Certified Public Accountant
1445 E. Republic Road
Springfield, MO 65804
(417) 882-4300
(417) 882-4343 (fax)
7:30 am to 5:30 pm weekdays during tax season
8:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays outside of tax season
  • About

    KPM is the largest locally owned CPA and advisory firm in Southwest Missouri and one of the top 20 firms in the Midwest. With offices in Springfield and Branson, our more than 100 professionals provide a broad base of technical expertise to clients in a variety of industries.

  • Directions

    Near the intersection of Republic Road and Fremont.

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1503 S. 3rd Street, Ozark, MO 65721 – (417) 581-6139 –